
How to Clean Home Quickly

If your house is in chaos and you have limited time to clean it, don’t worry. It’s amazing how much you can get done in jut couple of hours, especially once you are armed with our useful checklist of tasks. 1-Be Selective Don't try to tidy the whole house in one day. Just think about the main area(s) you want to clean. They are likely to be the kitchen and living room, and you will probably want to include a whizz around the bathroom. 2-Dispose Of Rubbish To eliminate bad smells, make sure you dispose of full bags of rubbish. Then open the windows to let fresh air in and perhaps light a few fragranced natural elements like, guggle. 3-Clear the Tables When tables are de-crumbed and clean, everything will look much better. If there is any paperwork lying around and adding to the clutter, pile it into a box file or folder. 4-Clear The Kitchen Sink This might involve doing a bit of light washing up, putting away any dry dishes, and/or load...

How to do Dusting

Dust is a very irritating element. Everyone wants to get rid of dust from their house and office. In our offices and home, most modern surfaces are designed for easy cleaning-all they require is a quick damp-dust. Dry-Dusting takes a little longer, but you need only dry-dust non-washable surfaces and furniture made from solid wood. Always vacuum after dusting to collect the dust that’s settled. In this article, I am going to tell-how to do dusting properly. Step-1 Dust the walls and ceiling,  including the corners. Use an extendable brush with nylon filaments. These pick up the dust instead of spreading it around like a feather duster. Step-2 Use a damp microfiber cloth  to dust any washable surfaces. Be sure to collect the dust by folding it into the cloth and getting rid of it, rather than simply moving it about. Step-3 Use a clean duster  or a dry microfiber cloth to dry-dust non-washable surfaces. As you work, use oval motion. You are aim...

What is Housekeeping

" Housekeeping  is the part of the organization, which deals with keeping the office/rooms clean and properly equipped." Basically   housekeeping is not a normal work, it is a kind of worship, because god loves clean environment first.

Need Of Housekeeping

Hi all, as we all know Goddess laxmi is the provider of money, prosperity & wealth. We always want that we can earn lot of money, so that we can live properly and complete our and our family's daily need. To earn lot of money we always do lot of hard work, but sometimes we could not able to earn money inspite of hard work. Have you ever thought, why we are not getting result when we are doing lot of hard work. We always pray to Goddess Laxmi, please come to my home/Office.We always do lot of worship. We don't know goddess Laxmi loves neat and clean environment and we don't focus on that. So, if you want that Laxmi come to your home/office do clean your work place/ home first then start your daily work. See, you will get amazing result.